Friday, July 15, 2011

Today's Class: Twitter as a Pofessional Tool

Wow, now I'm really excited about Twitter!  I had sort of dismissed it before, because I like reading longer stuff, but the way that people forward (FF, right?) links to blog posts and articles through Twitter makes it such a wellspring of information!  I'm much more excited about Twitter as a research tool than as an in-classroom tool. 

I thought it was interesting that A has to work Twitter into her interview conversations, because getting too excited about it could make the interviewer assume things about her due to his/her own assumptions about Twitter.  I wonder how long it will take for Twitter to be generally recognized as a professional resource.

This product review should be interesting.  Mine is a tool for PowerPoint (which I still need to put on this computer).  I haven't used PowerPoint for a few years, so I'll have to refresh my memory before trying the product.  I really like the idea of doing a review that will be posted somewhere, instead of just handed in, returned and forgotten.

Cinnamon rolls went over well, and the little bit of C's brownies I had was yummy!



  1. B~

    Prior to Antonia's presentation, I was unconvinced that Twitter has professional merit. Like you, however, I am now excited about the possibilities. It seems that if one can focus professional attentions on specific Twitter groups, interconnections can be made, and information gleaned in virtual seconds. Antonia's point about answers to questions was validated with a quick response to your question about particular members of a language group. I wondered if you read the response...did you see it?


  2. P.S. Thank you for the smacks!

  3. I'm glad you made that distinction between using Twitter as a professional tool for like, professional development and networking, etc. versus using it in class. I'm like you: pretty well convinced of it's merits as a professional tool but less so as a tool to use in the classroom.

    The cinnamon rolls were amazing, and a complete surprise (even though I later saw you blogged that they were coming!)...thank you for filling our tummies with joy!

  4. Thanks for the treats!

    Just to clarify:

    #FF is a hashtag that stands for "Follow Friday." Some people list out the people they follow whose ideas they value.

    To forward something is to retweet it (RT). :)

  5. I agree that it's interesting that Antonia had to try to incorporate Twitter into her interviews without sounding too excited about it. I think that there's a really big push right now for bringing technology into the classroom, but at the same time many administrators who are from a different era of education might feel threatened by applicants who show off their tech savviness.
